FDE in my understanding this is a scheme partition look like

sda      8:0    0 99999,9G  0 disk 
└─sda1   8:1    0 99999,9G  0 LUKS
└──luks-<UUID>           crypt
├─qubes_dom0-boot   lvm /boot (encrypted)
├─qubes_dom0-swap   lvm [SWAP] (encrypted)
└─qubes_dom0-root   lvm  / (encrypted)

FDE = cryptsetup whole disk (including /boot). Not only root partition.
Anaconda can't do it by default. Installation success only with grub missing.
OS research HEADS can't kexec into FDE disk.

Is it only possible to boot from grub2 coreboot ?

cryptomount -a
set root='hd0,msdos1'
linux=... vmlinuz=...

I have been trying to do the coreboot firmware for a month already 
to get a load of Qubes with full disk encryption (including /boot). Is it 
possible? Can anyone help me ?:)

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