On 2018-11-25 07:33, Ivan Mitev wrote:
> On 11/25/18 2:26 AM, pr0xy wrote:
>> I was trying to install NextCloud into a Qubes R3.2 machine. Although I
>> have it working it isn't persistent across reboots of the AppVM. Every
>> time I restart the AppVM it asks me to setup my NextCloud again.
>> How can I get NextCloud working in an AppVM?
>> I put NextCloud into a Fedora template. I tried the full manual install
>> and the Snap method. When I base the AppVM on that template I can
>> startup NextCloud, create a MariaDB database, create an admin account
>> and work with various settings, but a restart of the AppVM will lose all
>> of those settings. How can I make my changes persistent so that I can
>> use NextCloud normally?
> Why not use a StandaloneVM ?
> Or do you want to get a "clean/blank" nextcloud install each time you
> restart an AppVM based on the template where you installed nextcloud ?
> If so, you'll have to create the db/admin account/... in the
> templateVM, not in the AppVM, otherwise any changes you do to the root
> filesystem will be lost at the next restart. Note that it's usually
> not a good idea to install and run third party stuff in templates (or,
> don't base sensitive AppVMs on such templates).
> FYI the folders/files related to nextcloud are usually:
> - The folder where you extracted nextcloud (eg. /var/www/nextcloud)
> - The data dir you configured; could be a subdir of the folder above
> or another path.
> - Mysql db (/var/lib/mysql) and maybe /etc/my.cnf*
> - relevant httpd config (/etc/httpd/...) + php stuff, eg. /etc/php.ini
> if you modified it.
> You'll also have to enable the web server and mysql in the template
> (systemctl enable ...); or start it in the AppVM.

>Why not use a StandaloneVM ?

Had not actually considered a StandaloneVM. Usually use those for
Windows, Ubuntu or other OSs. However that might be an option.

I wasn't necessarily looking for a clean NextCloud on every restart, but
wanted to avoid any other extraneous OS changes that might slip in. I
was used to the AppVM model of installing and running various untrusted
packages and I have a lot of TemplateVMs where I base those installs.
None of those used MySQL or a LAMP setup though.

I tried setting up the Admin user and database in the TemplateVM. That
works, but then of course when changes are made in the AppVM none of
them persist a restart. 

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