On Friday, December 28, 2018 at 11:57:00 PM UTC+1, John Smiley wrote:
> Sorry, you are woefully misinformed. I have been on the design teams for two 
> well known clouds. You can disprove your assertion with a simple test.

Hi John,

I believe we are talking about two different things.  I was referring to gaming 
in a VM not through the cloud.  It doesn't seem like you actually watched 
either of the videos?

Here is another video showing 7 users on 1 CPU (ok dual CPUs but a single 
motherboard) gaming in VMs at near bare-metal performance (not through the 


Cloud based solutions may also be possible one day with caveats.  Here is a 
video about that,


Like I wrote poor gaming performance in a VM is no longer true.  You just need 
the correct hardware and setup to make it all work.

If anyone is interest in learning more the Level1tech forums are a great place 
to start.  Search for IOMMU and GPU PCI passthrough.  Be prepared to do lots of 

KVM is leading the pack for gaming in a VM running Windows 10.



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