> Boot Qubes from rescue mode on the USB. Rebuild Qubes' grub and 
> initramfs. It will be something like "sudo grub2-mkconfig -o 
> /mnt/sysimage/boot/grub2/grub.cfg". Then reboot and try the Qubes option 
> again from the grub menu.

Thanks for the reply!  I tried that, and got different behavior.  This time, 
when I choose "Qubes" from the grub menu, I get *another* grub menu that only 
has Qubes as an option.

When I choose that, I get the error:

error: no such device: 6f291114-1d52-4d2d-8a6e-6970ceo2ca33
erro: disk 'lvmid/M16FyN-<lots of other letters and numbers>' not found
error: you need to load the kernel first.

I noticed a couple of other things as well.  I'm beginning to believe that KDE 
neon uses grub, not grub2, since there is no grub2 directory in its /boot 
directory.  I don't know if that would make a difference -- and I could be 
wrong.  It's based on Ubuntu 18.04, and I'm not sure what that is.  The forums 
I looked at all referred to grub instead of grub2, but that may just be short 

Do you think it would make a difference if I installed Qubes first and *then* 
KDE neon?  I may do that, just to see if Qubes will install by itself...


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