On 28.02.2019 15:10:21, "unman" <un...@thirdeyesecurity.org> wrote:

On Thu, Feb 28, 2019 at 11:03:12AM +0100, Achim Patzner wrote:
 On 20190227 at 22:30 -0800 cooloutac wrote:

 Whenever I accidentally read a posting by raahelps@ I'm wondering what
 crime we committed to have to bear something like this and what could
 be done to avoid attracting people like that...

 Do us all a favour and go troll somewhere else
I don't think this is helpful

I guess I'm of a different opinion in that case. Sometimes someone has to speak up and draw a line in the sand.

Please consider the guidelines and be respectful and polite to others.

Unlike others I strongly believe that respect has to be earned and it can be retracted. The user in question spent nearly all his time on this mailing list. And _none_ of his postings ever enriched any discussion.

Keep in mind that "a wise man changes his mind, a fool never will" just means the fools will win in the end.

None of these accusations of trolling help build the community, or
advance Qubes.

In that case I would like to demand a vote (of exclusion of certain users) as this is building a community I wouldn't want to be a part of. I can understand why he is not welcome on the whonix lists anymore. And I strongly believe it should be the same here. I guess we will need a management decision on that point.


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