Hello Chris,

thank you once again for your feedback.

On 3/23/19 11:31 AM, Chris Laprise wrote:
> On 3/23/19 5:34 AM, onw7two99 wrote:
>> I run sudo fstrim -av from within the AppVM (as root) but I haven't
>> notive any change.
> The difference doesn't show until you shutdown the vm for the second
> time (the current .old volume gets deleted). Also the Qubes disk
> widget and Qubes Manager take some time to report the new values. But
> running fstrim may not make any difference if you haven't been
> deleting many files.

if I run ls -lah /var/lib/qubes/appvms/<APPVM> the size listed is the
"thick provisioned", is there a way to show the "real" file size in dom0
whch should be the used sizeĀ  which is reported from within the AppVM
when using "df -h" ?

>> Is there a way to move this private disk to the new storage-qube?
> Yes, you can use the 'mv' command while the two vms are not running.
> Keep in mind this can erase the existing private image of the
> new/destination vm unless you rename that first (but it won't be
> accessible after renaming it, unless you run 'qvm-block attach').

I tried to mount the private.img from the old appvm to the new one, but
I think I don't have the correct syntax.

I tried:

qvm-block attach <AppVM-NEW> <AppVM-OLD>:private.img
qvm-block attach <AppVM-NEW> /var/lib/qubes/appvms/<AppVM-OLD>/private.img

How can I attach a private.img from one AppVM to another? Maybe even
once in read/write and in another scenario read only.

This could be usefull for doing forensics on an AppVM or clam av scans etc.

>> Neither in the AppVM nor in dom0 I see something like LVM, but as far as
>> I remember LVM was available in Qubes (I think have looked into it 1 or
>> 2 years ago.
> Since you have -cow.img files in /var/lib/qubes/appvms, your system
> seems to have been installed with one of the non-LVM options. This
> could be either Ext4 (rather limited) or Btrfs (flexible). Looking at
> the output of the 'mount' command in dom0 will tell you which.

Stupid me, I wasn't aware that I installed Qubes without LVM ... why
should I do so?

The only reason to fix this is likely to reinstall Qubes with LVM, but
what happens if I restore my old AppVMs from the non-LVM-setup?
Can you give some more details about the private.img vs private-cow.img
vs private-cow.img.old

>From the Qubes docs
https://www.qubes-os.org/doc/template-implementation/ I learned that the
root.cow.img will hold the differences (from the appVM perspective) to
root.img (the root image of the template which is read only).

Still I haven't understand what the private.cow.img and
private.cow.img.old do.

Is there some more information regarding this topic?

- O

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