On 2019-03-23 19:03, jrsmi...@gmail.com wrote:
> Spent several hours yesterday trying to track down what I would need
> to do to install coreboot on all of my computers, starting with my
> Qubes box: a Levnovo Thinkpad T480.
> The bottom line from what I can tell is that if you have an Intel CPU
> made since 2008 (any that have Boot Guard) or an AMD CPU made since
> 2013 (any that have PSP), you are out of luck.  Libreboot spells this
> out in their docs.  I'm not sure if that is because of coreboot itself
> or something specific to Libreboot. I was stuck by how they seemed
> perfectly fine walling themselves off from the present and the future.
> I could find nothing indicating that anyone had even tried, much less
> succeeded, in installing coreboot on a T480 and everything I did find
> was for much older hardware.
> I read through the coreboot docs where they just wave their hands at
> the end of the build process and say "now go flash".  I also read
> through the heads docs, which say more or less the same thing.
> Hackaday has an article on the horrors of installing coreboot on a
> Toshiba laptop.  Not only do they neglect to say which model they
> used, at the end of the article they had it working.
> The gist is that the information that's out there is out of date,
> incomplete, misleading, and sometimes just incompetent.
> I'm hoping that someone here has first-hand knowledge and can advise
> me (and others who read this).
> Thanks,
> John Smiley

I'd suggest visiting https://coreboot.org/status/board-status.html to
see if your box is compatible with coreboot. From what I can see, the
T480 is not coreboot friendly.

The coreboot web site generally is a very good starting point in
establishing the how, what and when procedures for installing coreboot

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