Ray Joseph wrote on 4/28/19 5:21 AM:


Thank you, that was a lot of info.  This took me to here:

 From which as root, I executed:
qubesctl state.sls qvm.sys-usb

4 succeeded and 1 failed.

In sequence:
ID:  hide-usb-from-dom0-legacy
Function: file.append
Name: /etc/default/grub
...  This one succeeded

ID:  grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg
Function:  cmd.run
Result:  True
Comment:  State was not run because none of the onchanges reqs changed
... This one succeeded

ID: sys-net-usb
Function: qvm.prefs
Name: sys-net
Result: False
Comment:  The following requisition were not found:
               sls:  qvm.sys-net
...  This one failed

Then there were two other successes for:
ID:  qubes-input-proxy
ID:  sys-usb-input-proxy

That was the complete emission.  I guess the failure signal was the 'Result:  
False" and all the text was in red.

I have checked the terms in the emission but was not able to find anything that 
looked relevant.

It is not clear why sys-net was addressed in the usb process.  But I do recall 
that a usb controller was installed in the sys-net but no wifi.  While I have 
read some about the possibility of using sys-net for usb functions, I don't 
recall any reference to the installation doing that.

Any suggestions?

If you aren't using a USB keyboard, creating your own sys-usb is simple. Create an AppVM, disable networking, and assign your USB controllers to it. If you are using a USB keyboard, refer to that same document. It can be tricky.

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