On Sun, Jul 14, 2019 at 09:13:16PM -0500, Andrew David Wong wrote:
> Hash: SHA512
> On 14/07/2019 9.08 PM, Andrew David Wong wrote:
> > On 14/07/2019 8.19 AM, unman wrote:
> >> On Sat, Jul 13, 2019 at 06:40:00PM -0500, Andrew David Wong
> >> wrote:
> >>> 
> >>> 1. When using the Qubes Update widget, a mgmt DisposableVM is 
> >>> started. Why is that? Is it just for executing Salt commands so
> >>>  that they're not executed in dom0?
> > 
> >> Yes, this is standard in Qubes.
> > 
> >>> 
> >>> 2. How can one update a TemplateVM the way the Qubes Update 
> >>> widget does? For example, when I update a Fedora TemplateVM 
> >>> myself, I just execute `dnf update` in the template. I don't 
> >>> start any DisposableVMs, so clearly my method of updating is 
> >>> different from what the Qubes Update widget does. Is there some
> >>>  kind of scriptable qubesctl command I can issue from dom0 that
> >>>  does the same thing as the Qubes Update widget?
> >>> 
> > 
> >> The update widget calls qubesctl and runs the state file in 
> >> /srv/formuals/base/update-formula/update/qubes-vm.sls
> > 
> >> You can run this yourself by: qubesctl --skip-dom0 
> >> --targets=<targets> --show-output state.sls update.qubes-vm
> > 
> >> Skip the "show-output" option if you want to script.
> > 
> >> It's a wrapper to salts pkg.uptodate call, so you could put that 
> >> in a state file yourself.
> > 
> > 
> > Thanks, unman. I'm not quite sure what the last sentence means.
> > Why would one want to put that in a state file oneself?
> > 
> Could you explain what these options mean?
>   --skip-dom0 -- The documentation doesn't really explain this.
>   --targets -- Is this the qube to be updated in this case?
--skip-dom0 -- Doesnt try to action state in dom0.

--targets -- You can give list of qubes to use as targets, (comma
delimited) or use keywords. 'qubesctl --templates'.

> The reason I'm asking: I've just been updating via `dnf update` (and
> similar) for a long time now, but I'm noticing that certain bug fixes
> are being implemented via Salt, and I'm worried that I might skip
> these fixes if I never update via Salt. Do you think that updating via
> qubesctl is a better idea than updating "manually," or does it not
> matter?

I really do recommend using qubesctl for almost all system
configuration. If only because it makes recovery so much easier.
I see people saying "keep a list of packages you've installed" - if you
keep state and use salt you can rebuild your system (almost) completely

I think there are some cases where a configuration fix may be pushed via
salt, but in most I would expect changes to be incorporated in to an
updated package, so you would get those using a manual update.

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