> Can anybody suggest a modification (or hack, however dirty - it's meant to 
> be temporary) to restore.py so it won't need 700 GB of additional temporary 
> storage when I try to restore my 700 GB AppVM?
The best bet I currently have it applying the "sleep trick" (see here 
to line 598ff 
in *restore.py*.

So this:
elif inner_name in self.handlers:
tar2_cmdline = ['tar',
'-%svvO' % ("t" if self.verify_only else "x"),
redirect_stdout = subprocess.PIPE

Would become something like this:
elif inner_name in self.handlers:
tar2_cmdline = ['tar',
'-%svvO' % ("t" if self.verify_only else "x"),
'--checkpoint-action=exec=\'sleep "$(stat -f --format="(((%b-%a)/%b)^5)*30" 
/var/tmp | bc -l)"\'',
redirect_stdout = subprocess.PIPE

Too naive?

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