February 8, 2020 11:51 AM, "Monsieur DuPont' via qubes-users" 
<qubes-users@googlegroups.com> wrote:

> Dear Qubes users/fans;
> I was trying the other day to install some piece of software in a Debian-9 
> based AppVM but after a
> reboot it was reset to its usual state and that piece of software was no 
> longer found.
> Hence how is it possible to install persistently software in AppVMs?
> Thank you in advance!
> Yours faithfully,
> Signed, your fellow Qubes user/fan

You have to install it in the TemplateVM that the AppVM is based on. Then, 
power off the TemplateVM and reboot the AppVM. The package will now be 
available in all AppVMs which are based on that template. Optionally, you can 
clone the TemplateVM first and then set the AppVM to use the new template. 
Alternatively, you can install the app in a Standalone VM. 


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