On May 1, 2020 7:07:24 AM UTC, Anil <anilekla...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Kgpe-d16 is supported under heads, is blobless and supported by
>coreboot 4.11 and heads under coreboot 4.8.1 as of right now with plans
>Can you give an approximate price (right now no one is shipping, so
>they are not showing the price either)? Any particular processor that
>is more suitable? The Asus page says it works with Opteron 6000 series
>processors. Also the price of the processor.
Nope I can't.  You would have to search around for parts following this doc, do 
some soldering to adapt spi chip, buy it, reprogram it with firmware built from 
source, buy compatible RAM and fastest CPU, case, power supply and ssd. 
Information is scattered around. When I said adventurous, I meant adventurous.

Port and upstreamed doc


Build instructions are valid:

Status report on heads. No TPM support as of now. But rom can be remotely 
attested by libremkey if really really adventurous without a TPM. Less secure 
since no internal root of trust. TPM is desired.

It needs adventurous developers or funding to get mainstreamed. Since the board 
got dropped by coreboot, I lost a bit of interest pushing for that last blob 
free platform in this lonely path. There is developers ready to do the needed 
work to bring it back. But funders refused the grant application. Skilled 
developers are willing to do required work to bring it back but I hesitate to 
completely self fund the whole project right now since priorities changed, but 
would be willing for joint partnership.

Anyone interested in bringing back that beast to life contact me at insurgo at 
riseup dot net. This is last RYF x86 platform ever for sure. 

You can try to get to those people selling it through d16 tag here, already 
assembled https://www.fsf.org/resources/hw/systems

It.would require of you to buy a CH341a reprogrammer and clip to flash built 
head, and flash built BMC internally from heads as documented on github per 
status report.

But that wont come with TPM support nor heads added security, but it will all 
be open source.

>> Using it as a server personally. With a qubesos supported video card
>and jumper set to deactivate onboard integrated graphic (which offers
>really poor graphics) that could be an awesome project, but
>Someone wrote that Qubes OS is meant to be used as a laptop/desktop
>OS. How much effort is required to set it up as a server? As I
>understand, the compartmentalization provided by Qubes OS can be
>useful in some contexts.
Absolutely. With openbmc and command line as if you were behind Dom0 remotely,  
this is a beast.


With qubes-network-server, you can offer DMZ servers from appvms.


>Or even just as a desktop, will the setup be nearly as secure as

TPM support lacking under coreboot 4.8.1, present under 4.11. Would love to see 
that beast fully supported and would even sell it myself under insurgo 
umbrella. But I wont do it all alone this time. Partners welcome.

As you can see, this is not easy task. But if there is will there is hope. 

Have funds?
>अनिल एकलव्य
>(Anil Eklavya)

Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

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