> My apologies unman that I am not a Linux poweruser. I have only been using it 
> casually for the past 20 years. I have yet to run into a situation where I 
> was not able to configure my network on any SUSE/Slackware, Debian or RHEL 
> based systems. The reason I came here is to get help, not to be reminded what 
> I do not understand or know about networking. 
You got that response because of the terse replys to Unmans ask for more
information. Had you been a little more forthcoming, we might have a
> So my understanding is that it would not solve the DHCP settings but
> if I were to try manually setting it then Fedora stores the settings
> in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-Wired_connection_# which is
> not a permanent location in Qubes so I'd lose it with every reboot. 

These settings are re-written at each reboot. However, network manager
is not (see /rw/config/NM-system-connections). Try configuring it from
network manager (nmcli or nm-connection-editor). Also ensure that things
such as link speed negotiation, MTU and MAC address (if you are using
port security) are correct. All of the above are in pentest-gw, which I
assume is a clone of sys-net.

What you are doing is absolutely possible in Qubes.

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