On Wed, May 06, 2020 at 12:02:55PM +0200, haaber wrote:
> > https://labs.f-secure.com/advisories/saltstack-authorization-bypass

> Thanks for the source. How do you infer that this "doesn't apply" (and
> maybe "did never apply") to qubes? Recall my question:  where does salt

the vulnerabilities are both in some networked-zeroMQ cloud-management
component. which qubes is most certainly not using.

> appear "under the hood" in qubes? This question seems relevant, since at
> least I (almost) never invoke salt by hand. Is that not a reasonable
> question? Explain.

the most user-exposed part of qubes-salt is ... 
... if you run qubesctl things to manage service vms.
it all stays either within a vm or uses qrexec where needed.
if you want to take a look, check /srv/ for the salt parts
and /usr/lib/python*/*/qubessalt/ for the qubesctl parts.

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