On 2020-05-12 15:23, unman wrote:
> On Mon, May 11, 2020 at 08:46:25PM +0000, 'Elliot Killick' via qubes-users 
> wrote:
>> Hash: SHA256
>> On 2020-05-11 14:26, 'Ryan Tate' via qubes-users wrote:
>>> Saw the new f31 templateVM (thanks for that) and just curious how
>> folks generally migrate to a new templateVM.
>>> I manually maintain this big text list of packages and just use
>>> that
>> to manually update the fresh templateVM to what I need. There's
>> typically also some non package installs, which I include basic pointers
>> for (think downloaded rpms and so forth), as well as some outside repos
>> to add (e.g. keybase). There's also typically some packages I forgot to
>> put on the list, which I can usually suss out by going through the bash
>> history for the old template, although often there's one or two that
>> slip through the cracks, which I find out about eventually and it's not
>> a huge deal.
>>> I'm particularly curious if anyone does anything more
>>> sophisticated
>> than that, using salt or some other automated deploy system to prep new
>> template images.
>>> Thanks for any tips!
>> I also keep a list of packages I want to have on each of my templates.
>> For the switching part of each AppVM to the new TemplateVM (e.g.
>> fedora-30 to fedora-31) I use a simple Python script that utilizes the
>> Qubes Admin API:
>> #!/usr/bin/python3
>> import qubesadmin
>> from qubesadmin.exc import *
>> from_templatevm = 'fedora-30'
>> to_templatevm = 'fedora-31'
>> qubes = qubesadmin.Qubes().app.domains
>> for qube in qubes:
>>     if qube.name == from_templatevm:
>>         appvms = qube.appvms
>>         for appvm in appvms:
>>             print('Changing TemplateVM of:', appvm.name)
>>             try:
>>                 appvm.__setattr__('template', to_templatevm)
>>             except QubesVMNotHaltedError:
>>                 print("Cannot change TemplateVM while qube is turned on!
>> ")
>> I usually just run this after my next reboot when almost (don't forget
>> to shutdown the NetVMs) all my qubes will be turned off. This is much
>> better than switching them manually one by one in Qubes Manager.
> Just for the record there's a GUI tool to do this.
> System->ManageTemplates in Qube Manager
Huh, I've seen that before but I guess I kind of forgot about it!

Thanks, unman.

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