
I don't know what to do now because I want to switch to the Qubes OS
operating system soon, that's why I'm asking you!

Because I suspect that you can no longer use them with Qubes OS.
That's why I'm interested in whether there is such software in Qubes OS.

I second the other answers, especially Sven Semmler's. If you have only
"consumer experience" with  windows, the change can be quite rough, so
if you have only ONE working machine, then  *do not even think of*
installing qubes on that. Use a second machine, get used to it, first.

Before wiping windows, make backups: often user data is spread in
windows machines, over folders & partitions and it is hard to find all
of it. So do a *full* backup. Otherwise, I suggest you write on a piece
of paper "I acknowledge that all my data may be lost", so you can't tell
yourself afterwards you did not know.

If you are worried about OCR, have a look at "tesseract". It is free &
one of the best anyways. Consider a donation, if you are happy with it,
instead of buying the first one you see.


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