On Sunday, 7 June 2020 07:12:23 UTC+1, haaber wrote:
> On 6/6/20 6:33 PM, Andrew Sullivan wrote: 
> > 
> >         If you use qvm-block in dom0 can you see the disk/partitions? 
> > 
> > 
> >           Don't know, I'll give it a try and post back. 
> > 
> > 
> > OK, if I click on the  Devices widget I can indeed see all the 
> > partitions on my internal SSD, with an arrow next to each.  If I click 
> > the arrow I get a list of qubes, which I believe allows me to attach the 
> > selected partition to where I want.  However, when I do this I can't 
> > find the partition in the Files application in the qube.  Think I'm 
> > still missing something...  Also, am I correct that this attachment will 
> > only persist until I close the qube? 
> they will be inserted in the appvm-qube as /dev/xvdi, /dev/xvdk ... 
> [vd = virtual device, I guess]. The existence of a device does not mean 
> mounting it. I do that by hand: in a terminal, type 
>     sudo mount /dev/xvdi /media 
> will mount the attached device to /media and allow file access. If it is 
> a luks-encrypted system, do 
>     sudo crypsetup luksOpen  /dev/xvdi  MYSSDVOL 
>     sudo mount  /dev/mapper/MYSSDVOL    /media 
>     cheers 

Many thanks for that, works exactly as described!  Seems a bit strange that 
the partition isn't mounted at the time it was attached (not sure why you'd 
want to attach it if you didn't plan to read or write to it?).   Anyways...

Is there any way the attachment and mounting can be made permanent?

Next challenge - access files on another Linux laptop on the same network!

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