On 6/7/20 1:04 PM, Andrew Sullivan wrote:

On Sunday, 7 June 2020 07:12:23 UTC+1, haaber wrote:

    they will be inserted in the appvm-qube as /dev/xvdi, /dev/xvdk ...
    [vd = virtual device, I guess]. The existence of a device does not mean
    mounting it. I do that by hand: in a terminal, type

         sudo mount /dev/xvdi /media

    will mount the attached device to /media and allow file access. If
    it is
    a luks-encrypted system, do

         sudo crypsetup luksOpen  /dev/xvdi  MYSSDVOL
         sudo mount  /dev/mapper/MYSSDVOL    /media


Many thanks for that, works exactly as described!  Seems a bit strange
that the partition isn't mounted at the time it was attached (not sure
why you'd want to attach it if you didn't plan to read or write to
it?).   Anyways...

like any device that lurks in your machine(say a WIN partition. Unless
you ask for mounting in fstab it won't be done.

Is there any way the attachment and mounting can be made permanent?
no clue. never tried that.

Next challenge - access files on another Linux laptop on the same network!

use scp to copy individual files  and use

rsync -auv --rsh=ssh user@anotherlinuxmachine:path/  new-qubes-path/

is your friend to mass-copy data.

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