On Saturday, 22 August 2020 at 01:35:05 UTC+8 Qubes wrote:

> If you configure Firefox and uMatrix properly you should see less of 
> these funnies creep up. Have a look at this guide, 
> https://12bytes.org/articles/tech/firefox/firefoxgecko-configuration-guide-for-privacy-and-performance-buffs.
> If that is too much for you there is also a 'for dummies' guide, 
> https://12bytes.org/articles/tech/firefox/the-firefox-privacy-guide-for-dummies.
> The above guides are linked full of very useful information, tips and 
> tricks, proper configuration methodology, and plain good old advice. 
I'm using Chrome, but this might come in handy for when I use Firefox. 

> I find it a bit funny that you are paranoid about some unknown adversary 
> tampering with your hardware in transit but you seem to use Google 
> products a lot. 

There's a difference between privacy and security. Chrome OS provides 
security (near-absolute security, some might say) but obviously little 
privacy is to be expected.

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