Related post:

I would reply to it but I reply to everything via email and don't seem to have anything in my inbox that constitutes a reply to me.

Long story short:


user@kali:~$ git clone
Cloning into 'katoolin'...
fatal: unable to access '':
Could not resolve host:

Git does not know about the update proxy. Have a look at under "updates proxy"
for the configuration. Use the following command to configure git with
this proxy:

git config --global http.proxy http://<proxy address>:<port>

Alternatively, download and verify katoolin in any other trusted AppVM
and use `qvm-copy` to move it over. "

Great! What is the proxy address you are referring? Because I have no clue, and haven't had a clue since I first read this reply in September.

Thank you and be well.

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