On 12/5/20 10:17 PM, Ulrich Windl wrote:
> Hi!
> The Qubes Installer for 4.0.3 has some severe bugs (it seems to me):
> I installed Quebes OS 4.0 for the third time, so I should have a littel 
> experience by now:
> The only difference from last install I could remember was:
> 1) I installed on a M.2 SSD instead of a harddisk
> 2) I put the German keyboard on top of the English
> Installation succeeded quikly without a problem, but when booting, the system 
> does not come up. Most notably because it does not ask for the password of 
> the LUKS partition that holds the VG.
> I'll attach screen shots that show what the user can see. My suspect is that 
> it's the German keyboard that is missing in the initrd, failing the password 
> input.
> First I capture what can be seen when no password prompt appears; catching 
> the actual error was trickier. After the repeating dracut messages there 
> didn't seem to happen anything more.
> Regards,
> Ulrich


Eventually I could solve the problem (using another Linux System):
For reasons completely unknown to me the partitions I had created 
manually were not retained (I had a small second partition, and I had 
erased both partitions created a second larger partition and two more):
However after successful installation the old partitions were back AND 
LVM complained that the physical volume inside the LUKS is larger than 
the partition. That was the clue I needed! So I checked the partitions 
and found the partition was not what I had created (but the PV was the 
one I had created). I could suspect anaconda reading the partition table 
first, and then writing it back for no good reason (I said _I_ will 
provide partitions).
Well the fix was (time consuming): I created the partitions from the 
"other" Linux, then booted the installer again and did yet another 
install. Now it booted! From SSD. Now really fast 8-)

So Qubes OS did not give a good error message when encountering that bug!


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