Ulrich Windl:

Trying to get my WLAN adapter into sys-net, I made a fatal mistake: The USB 
host added also has the boot device (and mouse) connected. Now as soon as 
sys-net starts (maybe even earlier) the PV for qubes becomes inaccessible.

Mounting the device in another Linux system, I tried to prevent the start of 
sys-net by renaming the systemd link for multi-user target, but that did not 
help.  The kernel panics shortly after boot.
Before I had tried to find (and edit) the settings that cause the problem, but 
could not find them.

My idea was to prevent start of sys-net, then use the qubes manager to undo my 
bad setting.
Unfortunately I don't get that far.

Try https://github.com/QubesOS/qubes-issues/issues/2270#issuecomment-242900312 first. If that doesn't work, make a copy of /var/lib/qubes/qubes.xml, and edit it by hand to remove autostarting sys-net (and all other autostarts that depend on it such as sys-firewall), and/or remove the WLAN binding to sys-net. It's XML so a somewhat fragile file; pay attention to the <>/ etc.

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