On Thu, 28 Jan 2021 00:31:16 +0000
Rusty Bird <rustyb...@net-c.com> wrote:

>Hash: SHA512
>'Stuart Perkins' via qubes-users:
>> Ok, now I'm afraid to turn off my computer or even stop any Debian template 
>> based VM's...  
>Don't panic, it's just a bug* in qubes-core-dom0-4.0.56. Your VM data
>is still okay.
>> Here is what happened.  
>> I was going to do a general update on Dom0 and my Debian-10 and
>> Fedora-32 templates.
>> As is my habit, I deleted the older clones of those template VM's
>> and was creating new clones with qvm-clone from a Dom0 command
>> window.
>> While attempting to create a new clone of the Debian-10 template, it
>> halted with an error:
>> file pool cannot export dirty volumes.
>> Searching for that issue suggested I start the template VM and exit
>> it cleanly...although I don't have a recollection of a "dirty" exit
>> (crash, kill etc...).
>> I went to start the template with qvm-start and it won't, giving the
>> error:
>> file pool cannot start a VM with an exported volume.
>> How in the world do I recover from this?  
>If you restart your computer (or only qubesd), it will drop the
>lingering export lock and you'll be able to start the original
>template again, etc.

I figured that out, eventually...after some sweat.  I rely on this machine way 
too much.  All critical data was backed up, but I was not looking forward to a 
reinstall and the time it would take out of my "way-too-busy" week.

Aside:  I found out the command line "qvm-clone" will NOT work.  That is what 
left it in this state.  Oddly enough, using the Qubes Manager gui it succeeds 
in the clone...but leaves it where you can't start the template to do the 
update until you reboot again.

Just FYI.  In my install I chose NOT to do the LVM as it adds an unnecessary 
layer of complexity to a laptop, which is already an encrypted installation.  I 
want to add additional drive space ONCE, and do that with just formatting the 
second drive and symbolic links from the appvm directory to the "too large for 
my ssd" drives.  SSD is 260G.  Hard drive is 2TB.  Like most Qubes users, I 
work the crap out of my machine...a coreboot Lenovo T420i.

Now that I'm up to 5.4.88, is this fixed?


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