Already was thinking about this too... Have both OSes on two different 
SSDs. 4.1 on a 1TB m.2 card (slot 1) and 4.0.4 on a 512 GB m.2 card (slot 
4.1 was installed on the P50 while th 4.0.4 version was plugged out. After 
4.0.4 was plugged in again, both cards can be shown in BIOS but 4.1 is 
booting with it's boot screen cause it actually isn't aware of the second 
m.2 card, which should be quiet normal.
GRUB have to be edited.

unman schrieb am Dienstag, 22. Juni 2021 um 07:07:01 UTC-4:

> On Tue, Jun 22, 2021 at 10:29:54AM +0100, River~~ wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > 
> > I noticed the new "alpha" level isos in the downloads and feel
> > motivated to help testing it.
> > 
> > I obviously do not want to go over to alpha for my normal work, but
> > would be interested if I can install it alongside my existing current
> > release. That way I would be testing that it works on the exact
> > hardware that I would eventually be running it on when it reaches
> > production quality.
> > 
> > Do I proceed as for the instructions for installing Qubes as a second
> > boot option to Linux? If not, what would be different?
> > 
> > What additional risks might I introduce by running a development
> > version of Qubes on the same physical machine as the production
> > version?
> > 
> > Obviously I would not have any files/partitions shared apart from the
> > EFI partition.
> > 
> > Would it make sense to install it onto an EFI partition on a different
> > internal disk? Would it be better for any reason to install it onto a
> > USB drive? (my guess to both of these is no, because when the test
> > system is running the production system would be on the host even if
> > not mounted)
> > 
> > My current production version is R4.0.3 and I will shortly be
> > replacing it with R4.0.4. At the time of writing the current alpha is
> > R4.1.0 but that my (or may not) change by the time I get around to
> > installing it.
> > 
> > I thought I would dual boot the new R4.0.4 with the existing R4.0.3,
> > then once R4.0.4 is verified as working for me I would transfer the
> > user level files and then overwrite the older production version with
> > the alpha test version. Anyone who can think why that might be a bad
> > idea please speak now or forever hold your peace (as they say in
> > English weddings)
> > 
> > I did a google search for "dual boot qubes versions"
> > but it only pointed me to info about dual booting with non-Qubes
> > systems.
> > 
> > Once successful, would ppl welcome my spending time adding a section
> > to the dual boot online documentation? I would be happy to do so if
> > just one person thinks it might be useful
> > 
> > WArmly
> > River~~
> With classic GRUB it's straightforward, and (imo) doesn't warrant new
> docs.
> I cant help with UEFI at all, and that probably *does*.
> That said, you would be running alpha software alongside your main
> system. Having separate encrypted drives/partitions will undoubtedly aid
> separation, but it's still a risk, and not something I would advocate if
> you value your data.
> If it's possible for you to swap out your drives, and have a separate
> 4.1 drive, I would recommend that instead.

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