On Thu, 2022-05-12 at 06:27 -0400, Demi Marie Obenour wrote:
> On Thu, May 12, 2022 at 11:26:53AM +0200, Qubes OS Users Mailing List
> wrote:
> > I have a setup with appVMs that are configured to autostart a
> > subset of
> > apps when they get fired up - one example is `app-privcom` that
> > runs
> > `evolution`, `signal-desktop` (from a user level installed flatpak
> > just
> > in that VM) and `liferea` (also a flatpak) when coming online.
> > 
> > Given the user-level flatpaked nature of some of the apps, the
> > appVMs
> > themselves have to be maintained (`flatpak update` etc.), which I
> > do
> > using `salt`. 
> > 
> > As a side effect of the convenient autostarting this results in
> > apps
> > popping up left and right when my fleet of appVMs is being updated
> > by
> > `salt` - which is a nuisance.
> > 
> > Can anyone think of a way to circumvent app autostart in the
> > context of
> > firing up the the appVMs via `salt`?
> I don’t think this is possible right now.  This would require that
> the
> VM know that it is being started via Salt, which it currently does
> not.
> Feel free to submit an enhancement request on GitHub.

Just thinking out loud here: traditional run level trickery in the
context of starting a VM is that something feasible?

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