On 22-Aug-10 18:31:46, Paul Johnson wrote:
> Hey Ben:
> One of my colleagues bought your book and was reading it during a
> faculty meeting last Tuesday.  Everybody kept asking what's that?
> If you know how to put it in the wiki, would you please do it and let
> us know where it is.  I was involved with an R wiki about 5 or 6 years
> ago, but completely lost track of it.
> I'm going to keep pushing for sharp, clear guidelines.  If I could get
> R-help set up as a template for messages like  bugzilla, I think it
> would be awesome! To disagree with Ted. People won't mind giving us
> what we need, as long as we tell them exactly what to do. We save
> ourselves the circle of "give us sessionInfo()" and "give us your
> LANG" and 'what version is that' and so forth.

"People won't mind"? If R-help ends up telling me exactly what to do,
I shall leave the list. I mean it. For good.

[the rest snipped]

E-Mail: (Ted Harding) <ted.hard...@manchester.ac.uk>
Fax-to-email: +44 (0)870 094 0861
Date: 22-Aug-10                                       Time: 19:49:41
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