On 04/15/2011 11:18 AM, Simon Urbanek wrote:

On Apr 14, 2011, at 11:00 PM, Dario Strbenac wrote:

I have a confusing error from R CMD check that I don't get when running the 
example manually by hand.

In the \examples section of an Rd file, I create a GRanges object, then I call 
a function with the GRanges object, whose first 2 lines are


require() is doesn't guarantee that the package will load, so I think what you 
meant to write was more

if (require(GenomicRanges, quietly=TRUE)) {

    annoDF<- as.data.frame(anno) # anno is the GRanges object.

and that second line gives:

Error in as.data.frame.default(anno) :
  cannot coerce class 'structure("GRanges", package = "GenomicRanges")' into a 
Calls: annoGR2DF ... annoGR2DF ->  .local ->  as.data.frame ->  

Try IRanges::as.data.frame(anno)

I'm guessing that your call finds base::as.data.frame, perhaps because some earlier example has already require'd GenomicRanges, and that it's definition of as.data.frame has been masked some time in between.

It's too complicated to debug in detail; R CMD check produces a file <pkg>.Rcheck/<pkg>-Ex.R that contains the compiled example code, and it is in the evaluation of this file that the error occurs. So you could dissect it to discover the gory details.


I have GenomicRanges listed in my Imports: field, and IRanges in the Suggests: 
of the DESCRIPTION file (it's require()d elsewhere). I'm trying to avoid 
putting packages in Depends: , so my package loads fast. Any tips of what I'm 
not understanding properly ?


Dario Strbenac
Research Assistant
Cancer Epigenetics
Garvan Institute of Medical Research
Darlinghurst NSW 2010

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