On Sun, 1 Mar 2009, Gregory Propf wrote:

How does one write formatted, say "C style", output to a text file. I want something like "y=mx+b" for my linear regressions but with m and b derived from the fit objects. Also, how does one go about extracting just the slope or intercept from such an object. - Greg

Following the __posting guide__ should have gotten you through this. viz.

        ??format ## leads to sprintf
        ?lm      ## See Also coef
        ?coef    ## "Extract Model Coefficients"
        ??file   ## leads to sink
        ?sink    ## "Send R Output to a File"


coefs <- coef( lm(rnorm(10)~I(1:10)) ) ## for example
sprintf( "y = %5.2fx%+5.2f", coefs[2], coefs[1] )
[1] "y = -0.08x+0.50"
sprintf( "y = %5.2fx%+5.2f", coefs[2], coefs[1] )


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Charles C. Berry                            (858) 534-2098
                                            Dept of Family/Preventive Medicine
E mailto:cbe...@tajo.ucsd.edu               UC San Diego
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