Hi R-ers,

   I am struggling with my x-axis in a association plot. What I would like is
   to place the labels of the x-axis between the tick markers and normally the
   labels are printed at the place where the tick marker is placed. I don’t
   want to move the tick marker (it gives the switch between one chromosome and
   the next) but I just want to put the chromosome number in between the two
   tick markers.

   This example from mhtplot has the chromosome number at the place of the
   tickmarker. How can I change this to ‘in between’?


# fake example with Affy500k data
affy <-c(40220, 41400, 33801, 32334, 32056, 31470, 25835, 27457, 22864, 28501, 
         24954, 19188, 15721, 14356, 15309, 11281, 14881, 6399, 12400, 7125, 62
CM <- cumsum(affy)
n.markers <- sum(affy)
n.chr <- length(affy)
test <- data.frame(chr=rep(1:n.chr,affy),pos=1:n.markers,p=runif(n.markers))
oldpar <- par()
colors <- rep(c("blue","green"),11)

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