On Fri, 21 Jan 2005, roger bos wrote:

I have around 200 data frames I want to rbind in a vectorized way.
The object names are:


So I tried:

mlist <- paste("m",302:500,sep="")
dat <- do.call("rbind", get(list(mlist)))

and I get "Error in get(x, envir, mode, inherits) : invalid first argument"

Yep. get() takes a single variable name as its argument.

If you tried   get(list("m302","m303")) you would get the same error.

I know "rbind" is valid because

dat <- rbind(m302, m303, m304, m305)

works, I am just too lazy to type it out to m500.

I also tried it without the get() portion, but then dat ends up being
a column with just the names of the objects, not the objects

Indeed. This translates to rbind("m302","m303"....

You could use mget() instead of get().


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