On 05/04/2018 4:17 PM, Dudek Andrzej wrote:
CRAN maintainers rejected the package two times already due to this note

But for previous version I've been asked to add the references in description 

Package Information:
Package: mdsOpt
Version: 0.1-4
Title: Searching for Optimal MDS Procedure for Metric Data
Author(s): Marek Walesiak <marek.wales...@ue.wroc.pl>  Andrzej Dudek
Maintainer: Andrzej Dudek <andrzej.du...@ue.wroc.pl>
Depends: smacof, clusterSim
Suggests: testthat
Description: Searching for optimal multidimensional scaling procedure for
    metric data.

Thanks, can you please extend your description text.

Can you provide some references in the form authors (year) <doi:...> or 
<arXiv:...> (no space after 'doi:' and 'arXiv:')?

Swetlana Herbrandt


So at this point is some kind of vicious circle for me :-)  Maybe adding 
quotation mark is best idea (?)

You didn't post the message for the current submission. In my experience, they won't reject a package due to false positives from the spell checker, so I would guess that you have misinterpreted their rejection message.

When I was checking incoming packages, I would generally ask submitters to respect the requirement to use complete sentences; none of your "sentences", e.g.

Selecting the optimal multidimensional scaling (MDS) procedure for metric data via metric MDS (ratio, interval, mspline) and nonmetric MDS (ordinal).

and your reference list

(Borg, I., Groenen, P.J.F., Mair, P. (2013) <doi:10.1007/978-3-642-31848-1>,
 De Leeuw, J., Mair, P. (2015) <doi:10.1002/9781118445112.stat06268.pub2>,
Groenen, P.J.F., Winsberg, S., Rodriguez, O., Diday, E. (2006) <doi:10.1016/j.csda.2006.04.003>,
Walesiak, M. (2016) <doi:10.15611/ekt.2016.2.01>,
 Walesiak, M. (2017) <doi:10.15611/ekt.2017.3.01>).

are grammatically complete sentences, so I probably would have asked you to reword things.

Duncan Murdoch

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