Hi Erin,

this comes from examples in ?str. Could you please try to find a minimal example to reproduce on your system based on that? I would look for "line needs" in ?str and experiment with reducing the example there while still getting the error. Once it is minimal, could you please try also on the official build of R on your machine?

Also it would be nice to have a session info. If it works in the official build but not your custom build, then one would have to look also into how the custom build is done.


On 3/19/20 8:02 AM, Erin Hodgess wrote:
Hello everyone:

I have built the latest version of the OpenBLAS on my Windows 10 machine.
When I run make distribution in R, everything is fine.

However, when I run make check all,  I get the following error:

C:\newtimeR\R-3.6.3\src\gnuwin32>make check-all
Testing examples for package 'base'
Testing examples for package 'tools'
   comparing 'tools-Ex.Rout' to 'tools-Ex.Rout.save' ... OK
Testing examples for package 'utils'
Error: testing 'utils' failed
Execution halted
make[3]: *** [Makefile.win:29: test-Examples-Base] Error 1
make[2]: *** [Makefile.common:185: test-Examples] Error 2
make[1]: *** [Makefile.common:171: test-all-basics] Error 1
make: *** [Makefile:324: check-all] Error 2

And here is the section from the .Rout.fail for utils:

## Multibyte characters in strings (in multibyte locales):
oloc <- Sys.getlocale("LC_CTYPE")
mbyte.lc <- if(.Platform$OS.type == "windows")
+  "English_United States.28605" else "en_GB.UTF-8"
try(Sys.setlocale("LC_CTYPE", mbyte.lc))
[1] "English_United States.28605"
## Truncation behavior (<-> correct width measurement) for "long"
idx <- c(65313:65338, 65345:65350)
fwch <- intToUtf8(idx) # full width character string: each has width 2
ch <- strtrim(paste(LETTERS, collapse="._"), 64)
(ncc <- c(c.ch = nchar(ch),   w.ch = nchar(ch,   "w"),
+           c.fw = nchar(fwch), w.fw = nchar(fwch, "w")))
c.ch w.ch c.fw w.fw
   64   64   32   64
stopifnot(unname(ncc) == c(64,64, 32, 64))
## nchar.max: 1st line needs an increase of  2  in order to see  1  (in
invisible(lapply(60:66, function(N) str(fwch, nchar.max = N)))
Error in strtrim(x.lrg, nchar.max - nc) :
   unsupported conversion from 'UTF-8' in codepage 28605
Calls: lapply ... FUN -> str -> str.default -> maybe_truncate -> strtrim
Execution halted

Has anyone run into this before, please?

If I run this line-by-line starting at the "idx <-", things are fine.

I also compiled R from source without the OpenBLAS, and it was fine.

Thanks for any suggestions.


Erin Hodgess, PhD
mailto: erinm.hodg...@gmail.com

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