The user should set the CRAN+BioC via setRepositories() and then run install.packages() will install all dependencies automatically. Of course, if you install from a local repository without the required packages or from a USB drive, R cannot resolve dependencies.

Uwe Ligges

On 17.03.2023 13:29, Ruff, Sergej wrote:
Really.Whats a problem i have when all dependencies arent prei installed. I 
thought the problem would be solved once my package is available on CRAN.

Here is a recent question I had regarding the same issue:

I am currently working on a r-package. I would like to submit my r package to 
CRAN, but I have a question regarding dependency installations on CRAN.

I have almost finished my package, added the required dependencies to the 
NAMESPACE and DESCRIPTION files as Imports, and get no errors or warnings

when running the check in Rstudio. The package runs on the pc, where I´ve built 
the package, but when I install the package on a pc, where the dependencies

are not preinstalled, I get the following error:


dependencies 'depth', 'geometry' are not available for package 'packagename'
* removing 
Warning in install.packages : installation of package ‘packagename’ had 
non-zero exit status

The problem is that a local installation of my package (via USB-stick for 
example) can´t install the dependencies from CRAN.

The package works perfectly fine, if the dependencies are preinstalled.

Now I don´t want to submit my package to CRAN if the end user gets the same 
error message when installing my package.

Question: After I submit my package to CRAN, will CRAN install dependencies automatically 
(via "install.packages()"), resolving the issue I have right now?

Or do I have to modify the R-package or the Description-file to make sure my 
Package can install dependencies?

I provided the dependencies to the NAMESPACE-file as @ImportFrom via the 
devtools::document()-function. I added the dependencies to the DESCRIPTION-file via 
usethis::use_package("x",type="Imports"). The Description looks like this:

License: GPL (>= 3)
Encoding: UTF-8
LazyData: true
RoxygenNote: 7.2.3

So I thought all dependencies would install automatically from CRAN? Is that 
not the case?

Von: Duncan Murdoch <>
Gesendet: Freitag, 17. März 2023 13:15:28
An: Ruff, Sergej; Martin Morgan; Ivan Krylov
Betreff: Re: AW: [R-pkg-devel] How to declare Bioconductor Dependencies in the 
Description File of my R Package

On 17/03/2023 6:19 a.m., Ruff, Sergej wrote:
In my example I have the following lines:

### Differential expression analysis with limma
group = gl(2, n)
design = model.matrix(~ group)
fit1 = limma::lmFit(X, design)
fit = limma::eBayes(fit1)

The R CMD Check returns no Errors or Notes if Limma is pre-installed. If
limma is not pre-installed I get an error, reminding me that Limma is
not available.

That's a problem, and will cause your package to be rejected.  It should
not raise an error during the tests when a suggested package is missing.
Ivan gave you good advice on how to fix this.

I'd recommend testing your package a few times on Winbuilder and fixing
things until you get clean results.  That won't guarantee acceptance on
CRAN; new packages get a manual inspection as well, and they'll often
find some problem that the automatic tests don't find, e.g. stylistic
issues in the Description field of the DESCRIPTION file.  Here's a note
I received recently when I submitted a new package (RmdConcord):

The Description field is intended to be a (one paragraph) description of
what the package does and why it may be useful. Please add more details
about the package functionality and implemented methods in your
Description text.

Please always write package names, software names and API (application
programming interface) names in single quotes in title and description.
e.g: --> 'R Markdown'
Please note that package names are case sensitive.

Please do not start the description with "This package", "Functions
for", package name, title or similar.

Duncan Murdoch

Thats the source of my worries. Will the same error appear when CRAN
checks the examples of my package? Or should I not be worried?

With regards,


*Von:* Duncan Murdoch <>
*Gesendet:* Freitag, 17. März 2023 11:14:25
*An:* Ruff, Sergej; Martin Morgan; Ivan Krylov
*Betreff:* Re: [R-pkg-devel] How to declare Bioconductor Dependencies in
the Description File of my R Package
On 17/03/2023 6:06 a.m., Ruff, Sergej wrote:
I was wondering how CRAN will handle Limma when running the automatic check.

I am worried that my package will be rejected if Limma won�t install from 
Bioconductor on a clean version of R. Leading to an Error and Note during the 

I am using Limma only for an example in my functions description, not inside my 
actual function.

How would CRAN�s System handle that when checking my package for submission?

If you have it in the Suggests list you should have written your code to
work (i.e. not trigger an error) whether it is installed or not, so you
shouldn't worry about it.

Duncan Murdoch

with regards,


Von: Martin Morgan <>
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 16. M�rz 2023 20:12:51
An: Ivan Krylov; Ruff, Sergej
Betreff: Re: [R-pkg-devel] How to declare Bioconductor Dependencies in the 
Description File of my R Package

I would not follow the instructions in RTIGER�s README for installing 
Bioconductor packages.

BiocManager::install(�RTIGER�) would install both CRAN and Bioconductor 
dependencies of RTIGER, and would be my preferred instruction in a README or 
INSTALL file. A complete instruction might be to install your package as if it 
were on Bioconductor �

If (!requireNamepace(�BiocManager�, quietly = TRUE))
BiocManager::install(�<your package>�)

It does not make sense to me to have instructions in .onAttach / .onLoad or in 
each function for the user to install a �Suggests:� package, when actually the 
package is required for use and belongs in Imports: or perhaps Depends:.

The instruction to use �version = �3.14�� of Bioconductor in the RTIGER 
document is not universally correct, since different Bioconductor versions are 
tied to specific R versions (see
<> ). On one
version of R I am currently using, I get

BiocManager::install(version = "3.14")
Error: Bioconductor version '3.14' requires R version '4.1'; use
    `BiocManager::install(version = '3.17')` with R version 4.3; see <>

The instruction to install a vector of Bioconductor packages is also unnecessary for 
Bioconductor packages in the Imports: or Depends: field of <your package>, or if one 
were to pass the argument `dependencies = TRUE` to either BiocManager::install() or 
install.packages()  (to get the Suggests: packages of <your package> to be installed, 
well as Depends:, Imports: and LinkingTo:).

Briefly, installation requires R to know the correct repositories. The command


Returns a vector of Bioconductor and CRAN repositories relevant to your version 
of R. If one is averse to using BiocManager::install(�RTIGER�), a reasonable 
alternative, though still requiring that the BiocManager package is installed, 

install.packages(�RTIGER�, repos = BiocManager::repositories())

Base R also provides a mechanism for specifying Bioconductor repositories, via 
`setRepositories()` called before install.packages(). However, this is not 
recommended because, as can be seen on the web page mentioned above, there are 
two versions of Bioconductor  for each version of R � one always gets the �old� 
version, even when a newer version is available.

From: R-package-devel <> on behalf of Ivan 
Krylov <>
Date: Thursday, March 16, 2023 at 2:15 PM
To: Ruff, Sergej <>
Cc: <>
Subject: Re: [R-pkg-devel] How to declare Bioconductor Dependencies in the 
Description File of my R Package
On Thu, 16 Mar 2023 17:01:55 +0000
"Ruff, Sergej" <> wrote:

Last question: How does CRAN work with Bioconductor Dependencies?
Will CRAN accept limma as a dependency or will my submission be

It's not explicitly spelled out in the CRAN policy
<>>, but
Bioconductor and CRAN are the "mainstream repositories" for the
purposes of the following rule:

Packages on which a CRAN package depends should be available from a
mainstream repository

(Even non-mainstream repositories are allowed for optional dependencies
if you follow a few additional rules.)

Here's an example of a CRAN package with a strong dependency on a
Bioconductor package: <
<>>. You
can see the extra instructions for installing the Bioconductor
dependencies in its README.

Best regards,

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