Dear colleagues,


after submitting a release of my package RcppCWB (no problems with test 
servers), CRAN check results reported ERRORS on the macOS check systems:


The core is that when test loading the package, you get the error: Symbol not 
found: _objc_msgSend$UTF8String


Picking up a solution discussed here (disable objc_msgSend stubs in clang), I 
modified the configure script of my package to pass the flag 
“-fno-objc-msgsend-selector-stubs“ to the linker, which I thought would solve 
the problem.


However: The CRAN Debian system for incoming R packages uses clang 15, which 
does not accept this flag any more, resulting in an error.


Certainly, I could refine my configure script to address a very specific 
scenario on CRAN macOS systems, i.e. making usage of the flag conditional on a 
specific clang version. But I am not sure whether this is the way to go. It 
would feel like a hack I would like to avoid.


Has anybody encountered this error? Is there a best practice or a recomended 
solution? I would be very glad to get your advice!


Kind regards




Prof. Dr. Andreas Blaette

Professor of Public Policy

University of Duisburg-Essen



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