Suggested packages should be used conditionally. If available, use it, otherwise the code should fail gracefully.

Uwe Ligges

On 05.03.2024 11:58, Yohann Foucher wrote:
Dear R-Members,

I just have submitted an update of the ‘survivalSL' package because the last version 
depends on the ‘survivalmodels’ package, which has been recently archived.  In the 
DESCRIPTION file of the new version 0.93 of the ‘survivalSL' package, I've moved 
‘survivalmodels' from "Depends" to the ‘Suggests'. I thought this would solve 
the problem. Indeed, the 'survivalSL’ package can function without the ‘survivalmodels’ 
package if the user does not include the related learner (survival neural network) in the 
learning ensemble. Nevertheless, the new version 0.93 was archived again.

I’m working on the estimation of a survival neural network without the 
‘survivalmodels’ package but this developments will take a long time. During 
this period, do you have any idea to avoid the archiving of my package?

Thank you for your help.


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