Dear list,

I am running a script on my computer to estimate kernelUDs for several
individuals and several years (from GPS relocations). I am using the
getverticeshr() function to extract home range contours, and for some
reasons I end up having this error message:

Erreur dans re[[i]] : indice hors limites

in french, the english translation would be:

Error in re [[i]]: index out of range

Here you have a sample of my dataset:

idnr name species sex collarID UTC_DATE Day Month Year UTC_TIME
UTC_DATE_TIME X Y check checkinfo HEIGHT Date_time
J-01129 Sivva wolverine FALSE 8277 13/01/2010 13 1 2010 20:01:48 13/01/2010
20:01:48 1603644 7440041 0 0 763 13/01/2010 20:01:48
J-01129 Sivva wolverine FALSE 8277 14/01/2010 14 1 2010 02:01:21 14/01/2010
02:01:21 1603740 7440591 0 0 676 14/01/2010 02:01:21
J-01129 Sivva wolverine FALSE 8277 14/01/2010 14 1 2010 11:01:47 14/01/2010
11:01:47 1603748 7440202 0 0 801 14/01/2010 11:01:47
J-01129 Sivva wolverine FALSE 8277 14/01/2010 14 1 2010 20:01:09 14/01/2010
20:01:09 1603257 7439872 0 0 799 14/01/2010 20:01:09
J-01129 Sivva wolverine FALSE 8277 15/01/2010 15 1 2010 02:00:23 15/01/2010
02:00:23 1602251 7438341 0 0 1027 15/01/2010 02:00:23
J-01129 Sivva wolverine FALSE 8277 15/01/2010 15 1 2010 11:00:42 15/01/2010
11:00:42 1600433 7439602 0 0 765 15/01/2010 11:00:42
J-01129 Sivva wolverine FALSE 8277 15/01/2010 15 1 2010 20:01:19 15/01/2010
20:01:19 1600605 7428709 0 0 920 15/01/2010 20:01:19
J-01129 Sivva wolverine FALSE 8277 16/01/2010 16 1 2010 11:00:51 16/01/2010
11:00:51 1601455 7426934 0 0 472 16/01/2010 11:00:51
J-01129 Sivva wolverine FALSE 8277 17/01/2010 17 1 2010 02:01:17 17/01/2010
02:01:17 1607980 7433757 0 0 782 17/01/2010 02:01:17
J-01129 Sivva wolverine FALSE 8277 17/01/2010 17 1 2010 11:00:42 17/01/2010
11:00:42 1608667 7432781 0 0 669 17/01/2010 11:00:42

The error might come from these lines of code:

if(n_min <= nrow(data_biweek)) {
        ud <- kernelUD(data_biweek[,1], h="href", grid=100, extent=4)
        h <- perc*ud[[1]]@h$h #get new h, 100% of href or else
        ud_new1 <- kernelUD(data_biweek[,1], h=h, grid=100, extent=1)
        kernel90_biweek <- getverticeshr(ud_new1, percent=95, unout="km2")
        homerange[[paste("hr90", id, year, count_new, sep = "_")]] <-

        area <- kernel90_biweek[[2]]

        info_new_bis_biweek <- c(id,year,count_new,loc,area)
        info <- data.frame(rbind(info, info_new_bis_biweek))

Thanks a lot.

2013/11/7 Dylann Kersusan <>

> Dear list,
> I am running a script on my computer to estimate kernelUDs for several
> individuals and several years (from GPS relocations). I am using the
> getverticeshr() function to extract home range contours, and for some
> reasons I end up having this error message:
> Erreur dans re[[i]] : indice hors limites
> in french, the english translation would be:
> Error in re [[i]]: index out of range
> --
> Dylann Kersusan
> Master Biodiversity and Conservation
> Zoology dept. Stockholm University
> --
> Grimsö Wildlife Research Center
> Ecology dept. SLU
> Riddarhyttan-Sweden

Dylann Kersusan
Master Biodiversity and Conservation
Zoology dept. Stockholm University
Grimsö Wildlife Research Center
Ecology dept. SLU

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