Dear all,
registration is now open for the course "Next steps in applied Bayesian 
regression modeling"
Dates: Online, 27th-31st of March
Course website: [ ]( )
Instructor: [ Prof. Michael Franke (University of Tübingen, Germany) ]( )
This course provides an overview over a number of topics and tools that are not 
(usually) covered by introductory courses, but that will boost your 
understanding, productivity and confidence when applying Bayesian regression 
modeling. The purpose of this course is not exhaustive depth, but guided 
overview. The goal is to provide enough information (focusing on the conceptual 
understanding, not mathematical detail) alongside practical examples, to put 
all participants in a position to learn something new and useful about topics 
they were already familiar with, to unlock new areas that they heard of but 
wanted to learn more about, and also to raise awareness for useful ideas and 
tools that weren't even on the radar of awareness before.

The course also contains interactive practice sessions during which 
participants can bring up their own concrete use cases and question sets.
Best regards,

Carlo Pecoraro, Ph.D

Physalia-courses DIRECTOR

mobile: +49 17645230846

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