Messages by Thread
[R-sig-genetics] Developing R Packages and CRAN Publishing - Livestream Seminar
Michael Zyphur via R-sig-genetics
[R-sig-genetics] Free Seminars: Machine Learning and Data Visualization
Michael Zyphur via R-sig-genetics
[R-sig-genetics] Online Course: Deep Learning for the Life Sciences
Michael Zyphur via R-sig-genetics
[R-sig-genetics] Landscape Genomics course in Poland - 20-24 January
[R-sig-genetics] Course online: Multivariate Data Analysis with R and vegan
[R-sig-genetics] Online Course: Meta-Analysis: Introductory and Advance
Michael Zyphur via R-sig-genetics
[R-sig-genetics] Only 2 Seats Left: Landscape Genomics Workshop in Poland (20–24 January 2025)
[R-sig-genetics] Spatial and Spatio-Temporal Health Modeling - Last Chance
Michael Zyphur via R-sig-genetics
[R-sig-genetics] PR stats have a January sale!
Oliver Hooker
[R-sig-genetics] Join us in Poland for the Landscape Genomics course in January 2025!
[R-sig-genetics] Generalised Linear Models in R – Online Course (24-28 February 2025)
[R-sig-genetics] online course - Multivariate Data Analysis with R and vegan
[R-sig-genetics] online course - UNIX and Shell Scripting for Bioinformatics - January 27–31
[R-sig-genetics] Landscape Genomics course in Poland (20-24 January)
[R-sig-genetics] Online course: Spatial and Spatio-Temporal Health Modeling
Michael Zyphur via R-sig-genetics
[R-sig-genetics] Online Seminar: Introduction to Git
Michael Zyphur via R-sig-genetics
[R-sig-genetics] online course: Multivariate Data Analysis with R and vegan- February 10-13
[R-sig-genetics] Course: Single Cell Data Analysis - Last chance
Michael Zyphur via R-sig-genetics
[R-sig-genetics] Online course - Longitudinal Data Analysis in R (December 16-19)
[R-sig-genetics] Few Seats Left for Landscape Genomics Workshop (20–24 Jan 2025, Poland)
[R-sig-genetics] Multivariate Analysis Of Ecological Communities Using R With The VEGAN package (VGNR07)
Oliver Hooker
[R-sig-genetics] Online Course: Multivariate Data Analysis with R and vegan
[R-sig-genetics] Single Cell Data Analysis - Livestream Seminar
Michael Zyphur via R-sig-genetics
[R-sig-genetics] RADseq course using Stacks - only 2 seats left
[R-sig-genetics] Online Course: Python for R Users - last chance
Michael Zyphur via R-sig-genetics
[R-sig-genetics] online Multivariate Data Analysis with R and vegan course - February 10-13
[R-sig-genetics] Join Our Landscape Genomics Workshop in Lodz, Poland – January 20-24, 2025
[R-sig-genetics] Online course: Single Cell Data Analysis, Nov 26
Michael Zyphur via R-sig-genetics
[R-sig-genetics] online course - Seascape Genomics in R - October 28th - November 1st
[R-sig-genetics] Seascape Genomics in R course - 28 October - 1 November
[R-sig-genetics] Online Course: Using ChatGPT for Advanced Data Analysis - livestream seminar
Michael Zyphur via R-sig-genetics
[R-sig-genetics] Course: Population genomic inference from low-coverage whole-genome sequencing data
[R-sig-genetics] ONLINE COURSE – Introduction to Machine Learning using R and Rstudio (IMLR02)
Oliver Hooker
[R-sig-genetics] Using Confidence Intervals for Visual Testing - free seminars
Michael Zyphur via R-sig-genetics
[R-sig-genetics] Online course: Clustering High-Dimensional Data (October 22)
[R-sig-genetics] Landscape Genomics course in Poland - January 20-24
[R-sig-genetics] Online Course: Statistics and Data Science using Tidyverse in R
[R-sig-genetics] ONLINE COURSE – Introduction to R using Tidyverse (TIDY01)
Oliver Hooker
[R-sig-genetics] Online Courses: ML for Computational Biology and DNA Methylation
[R-sig-genetics] Online course: Seascape Genomics in R (October 28 - November 1)
[R-sig-genetics] Machine Learning for Computational Biology - livestream seminar
[R-sig-genetics] Analysis of DNA Methylation - livestream seminar
Michael Zyphur
[R-sig-genetics] Course: Online.PopulationGenomics.25-29 November
[R-sig-genetics] Dimension Reduction for Complex Datasets - livestream seminar
Michael Zyphur
[R-sig-genetics] ONLINE COURSE – Reproducible and collaborative data analysis with R (RACR03)
Oliver Hooker
[R-sig-genetics] Online course: Conservation Genomics (July 22-25)
[R-sig-genetics] Conservation Genomics course (online)
[R-sig-genetics] online course on Adaptation Genomics
[R-sig-genetics] ONLINE COURSE – Multivariate Analysis Of Ecological Communities Using R With The VEGAN package (VGNR06)
Oliver Hooker
[R-sig-genetics] Adaptation Genomics course (online)
[R-sig-genetics] Online course: Multivariate data analysis with R - only 2 seats left
[R-sig-genetics] FW: Landscape Genomics course
[R-sig-genetics] course: Introduction to Generalized Linear Models in R
[R-sig-genetics] Online course: Eukaryotic Metabarcoding
[R-sig-genetics] Online course: Introduction to GWAS
[R-sig-genetics] Online course; Multivariate Data Analysis with R and vegan
[R-sig-genetics] Online course: course on Genome Assembly and Annotation (3 seats left)
[R-sig-genetics] Landscape Genomics course in Lausanne, EPL, Switzerland
[R-sig-genetics] Online course: Model-Based Demographic Inference from Population Genomics
[R-sig-genetics] Online course - Introduction to Machine Learning in R
[R-sig-genetics] ONLINE COURSE – An Introduction to Spatial Eco-Phylogenetics and Comparative Methods (SECM01)
Oliver Hooker
[R-sig-genetics] Last 2 Seats! Enroll Now for R Shiny Course on Jan 29-30
[R-sig-genetics] Course - Landscape Genomics in Lausanne, Switzerland - June 17-21
[R-sig-genetics] Online Course: Machine Learning - a hands-on introduction in R
[R-sig-genetics] Gene Set Enrichment Analysis (GSEA) in R/Bioconductor course
[R-sig-genetics] Course on Landscape Genomics - June 17-21 in Lausanne, Switzerland
[R-sig-genetics] Course -Gene Set Enrichment Analysis in R/Bioconductor
[R-sig-genetics] An Introduction to Spatial Eco-Phylogenetics and Comparative Methods (SECM01)
Oliver Hooker
[R-sig-genetics] GWAS course
[R-sig-genetics] Seascape Genomics in R course - 1 seat available
[R-sig-genetics] Seascape Genomics course - 2 seats left
[R-sig-genetics] The Practice of RADseq: Population Genomics Analysis with Stacks (RADS02)
Oliver Hooker
[R-sig-genetics] course" Population Genomics Using Ancient DNA Data"
[R-sig-genetics] ONLINE COURSE – Machine Learning with R (Intermediate – Advanced) (MLIA01)
Oliver Hooker
[R-sig-genetics] Machine Learning with R (Intermediate – Advanced) (MLIA01)
Oliver Hooker
[R-sig-genetics] Course: Reproducibility in Bioinformatics
[R-sig-genetics] course Next steps in applied Bayesian regression modeling
[R-sig-genetics] Course: Machine Learning in R for omics data
[R-sig-genetics] Introduction to eco-phylogenetics and comparative analyses using R (ECPH02)
Oliver Hooker
[R-sig-genetics] Introduction to Multi’omics Data Analysis from Microbial Communities (MOMC01)
Oliver Hooker
[R-sig-genetics] Speciation Genomics course (5th-9th of December)
[R-sig-genetics] Seascape genomics in R
[R-sig-genetics] Online course: Seascape Genomics in R
[R-sig-genetics] Physalia course "Developing R/Bioconductor packages for genomics"
[R-sig-genetics] [2nd announcement] "Bioinformatics: The Next 20 Years" (Oct 27)
Emmanuel Paradis
Re: [R-sig-genetics] How to avoid overlapping pies when plotting haplotype networks when using the packages 'pegas' and 'ape' in R
Emmanuel Paradis
[R-sig-genetics] Online training: Multivariate data analysis with R and vegan
[R-sig-genetics] Pierre Legendre course - Advances in Spatial Analysis of Multivariate Ecological Data: Theory and Practice
Oliver Hooker
[R-sig-genetics] Introduction to eco-phylogenetics and comparative analyses using R (ECPH01)
Oliver Hooker
[R-sig-genetics] ONLINE COURSE – Introduction to Data Wrangling and Data Visualization using R (DWDV01)
Oliver Hooker
[R-sig-genetics] ntroduction to eco-phylogenetics and comparative analyses using R (ECPH01)
Oliver Hooker
[R-sig-genetics] Fundamentals of populations genetics using R (FOPG01)
Oliver Hooker
[R-sig-genetics] Bayesian hierarchical modelling using R (IBHM05)
Oliver Hooker
[R-sig-genetics] a-score in adegenet
John S Denton
[R-sig-genetics] ONLINE COURSE – Introduction to mixed models using R and Rstudio (IMMR02)
Oliver Hooker
[R-sig-genetics] Introduction to generalised linear models using R and Rstudio (IGLM01)
Oliver Hooker
[R-sig-genetics] ONLINE COURSE – Applied Bayesian modelling for ecologists and epidemiologists
Oliver Hooker
Re: [R-sig-genetics] [R-sig-phylo] Improves haplotype() function in pegas 0.13
Emmanuel Paradis
[R-sig-genetics] Pegas vs Arlequin, and negative AMOVA values
Marc Domènech Andreu
Re: [R-sig-genetics] Pegas vs Arlequin, and negative AMOVA values
Zhian N. Kamvar
Re: [R-sig-genetics] Pegas vs Arlequin, and negative AMOVA values
Marc Domènech Andreu
Re: [R-sig-genetics] Pegas vs Arlequin, and negative AMOVA values
Emmanuel Paradis
Re: [R-sig-genetics] Pegas vs Arlequin, and negative AMOVA values
Marc Domènech Andreu
Re: [R-sig-genetics] Pegas vs Arlequin, and negative AMOVA values
Emmanuel Paradis
Re: [R-sig-genetics] Pegas vs Arlequin, and negative AMOVA values
Marc Domènech Andreu
Re: [R-sig-genetics] Pegas vs Arlequin, and negative AMOVA values
Emmanuel Paradis
Re: [R-sig-genetics] Pegas vs Arlequin, and negative AMOVA values
Marc Domènech Andreu
Re: [R-sig-genetics] Pegas vs Arlequin, and negative AMOVA values
Emmanuel Paradis
Re: [R-sig-genetics] Pegas vs Arlequin, and negative AMOVA values
Marc Domènech Andreu
[R-sig-genetics] Polymorphic sites counting and fasta file expanding
Guillaume SCHWOB
[R-sig-genetics] R Package design and development and reproducible data science for biologists - FREE ACCOMMODATION
Oliver Hooker
[R-sig-genetics] Introduction to Bayesian hierarchical modelling using R (IBHM04)
Oliver Hooker
[R-sig-genetics] Analysing Environmental Adaptation Using Landscape Genomics in R (EDAP01)
Oliver Hooker
Re: [R-sig-genetics] [R-sig-phylo] PEGAS: why did pegas not assign separate haplotype
Emmanuel Paradis
Re: [R-sig-genetics] [R-sig-phylo] PEGAS: assignment to haplotype when missing information
Emmanuel Paradis
[R-sig-genetics] adegenet 2.1.2 is now on CRAN
Zhian Kamvar
[R-sig-genetics] COURSE - R 4 ALL (Andrew Beckerman & Dylan Childs) (R4LL01) FREE ACCOMMODATION AVAILABLE
Oliver Hooker
[R-sig-genetics] two-way AMOVA?
John S Denton
[R-sig-genetics] new package psmcr
Emmanuel Paradis
[R-sig-genetics] Multivariate analysis of ecological communities in R with the VEGAN package
Oliver Hooker
[R-sig-genetics] Introduction to GIS and spatial analysis with R (GISR01)
Oliver Hooker
[R-sig-genetics] Landscape genetic data analysis using R (LNDG03)
Oliver Hooker
[R-sig-genetics] Ecological niche modelling using R (ENMR03)
Oliver Hooker
[R-sig-genetics] Machine learning using R (MLUR01)
Oliver Hooker
[R-sig-genetics] Advancing in R
Oliver Hooker
[R-sig-genetics] testing for admixture in R
Emmanuel Paradis
[R-sig-genetics] hylogenetic comparative methods for studying diversification and phenotypic evolution
Oliver Hooker
[R-sig-genetics] Fwd: Intro course on Frequentist and Bayesian mixed (Hierarchical) models using R (IFBM01)
Oliver Hooker
[R-sig-genetics] Introduction to Mixed (Hierarchical) models for biologists using R
Oliver Hooker
Re: [R-sig-genetics] [poppr] Is there a way to calculate Fst or other metrics alike for snpclone object in poppr?
Zhian Kamvar
[R-sig-genetics] new release, snapclust, podcast
Thibaut Jombart
[R-sig-genetics] PhylogeneticDataAnalysisInR. 28Jan-2Feb.Paradis.FINALCALL
Oliver Hooker
[R-sig-genetics] QuantitativeGeographicEcologyModellingGenomesNichesAndCommunities
Oliver Hooker
[R-sig-genetics] UK.AdvancingInRForEcologists.Dec4-8
Oliver Hooker
[R-sig-genetics] Part funded Scholarships for Course - Applied Bayesian Modelling For Ecologists Nov 20-25
Oliver Hooker
[R-sig-genetics] UK.FINALCALL.LandscapeGenomics/GeneticsUsingR.Nov6-10
Oliver Hooker
[R-sig-genetics] New release of poppr version 2.5.0
Zhian Kamvar
[R-sig-genetics] ape, read.dna to phase fasta file not working properly, tajima
Ella Bowles
[R-sig-genetics] SCHOLARSHIPS.UK.ReproducibleDataScienceForPopulationGeneticsUsingR.23-27Oct.
Oliver Hooker
[R-sig-genetics] Fwd: UK.ReproducibleDataScienceForPopulationGeneticsUsingR.ThibautJombart.23-27Oct.
Oliver Hooker
[R-sig-genetics] Course on Bayesian modelling
Oliver Hooker
[R-sig-genetics] Course on Landscape Genomics/Genetics (RodneyDyer) UK 6-10November
Oliver Hooker
[R-sig-genetics] EcologicalNicheModellingUsingR_ NeftaliSillero_UK_16-20October
Oliver Hooker
[R-sig-genetics] SpatialAnalysisOfEcologicalDataUsingR_JasonMatthiopoulos_UK_7th-12thAug
Oliver Hooker
[R-sig-genetics] PART FUNDED SCHOLARSHIPS - Coding, data management, and Shiny applications using RStudio for evolutionary biologists and ecologists - May 2017
Oliver Hooker
[R-sig-genetics] LD calculation question
Felipe Hernández
[R-sig-genetics] PART FUNDED SCHOLARSHIPS - Advancing in statistical modelling for evolutionary biologists and ecologists using R - April 2017
Oliver Hooker
[R-sig-genetics] UK.BioinformaticsForGeneticistsAndBiologists.July3-7
Oliver Hooker
[R-sig-genetics] UK.GeneticDataAnalysisUsingR.ThibautJombart.23-27Oct.
Oliver Hooker
[R-sig-genetics] PART FUNDED SCHOLARSHIPS - Deadline approaching - Pierre Legendre - Advances in Spatial Analysis of Multivariate Ecological Data - STATS COURSE - April 2017
Oliver Hooker
[R-sig-genetics] HWE calculation question
Felipe Hernández
[R-sig-genetics] PART FUNDED SCHOLARSHIPS - Advances in Spatial Analysis of Multivariate Ecological Data - STATS COURSE - Pierre Legendre - April 2017
Oliver Hooker
[R-sig-genetics] UK.GeometricMorphometricsUsingRDeanAdams.Jun5-9
Oliver Hooker
[R-sig-genetics] COURSE.UK.CodingDatamanageShinyappsRStudioForEvolutionaryBiologists.May15-19
Oliver Hooker
[R-sig-genetics] STATS COURSE - Advancing in statistical modelling using R
Oliver Hooker
[R-sig-genetics] SpatialAnalysisOfMultivariateEcologicalData.PierreLegendre.3-7April2017.UK
Oliver Hooker
[R-sig-genetics] Subsetting a genind object.
nevil amos
[R-sig-genetics] Bootstrapping of genind objects
Bhuller, Ravneet
[R-sig-genetics] Genuine object repooling issue
Bhuller, Ravneet
[R-sig-genetics] Problem: sampling with replacement in R
Bhuller, Ravneet
[R-sig-genetics] Defining populations for Arlequin input
Katharine Walter
[R-sig-genetics] R Package to compute observed heterozygosity within a population
Bhuller, Ravneet
[R-sig-genetics] Advancing In R.China.24-28April
Oliver Hooker
[R-sig-genetics] IntroToRandStatisticsForBiologists.China.April17-21
Oliver Hooker
[R-sig-genetics] Export data from GeneMapper to TREMPR format
Marcelo Laia
[R-sig-genetics] Suggestions regarding randomly repooling genind objects
Bhuller, Ravneet
[R-sig-genetics] Fwd: Help in Pegas
Ramendra Nath Sarma
Re: [R-sig-genetics] Microsatellite data query: Data frame to genind conversion using adegent in R
Vojtěch Zeisek
Re: [R-sig-genetics] Microsatellite data query: Data frame to genind conversion using adegent in R
Bhuller, Ravneet
[R-sig-genetics] Bug in ade4 randtest.amova and solution
Zhian Kamvar