On Sun, 5 Sept 2021 at 14:08, Duncan Murdoch <murdoch.dun...@gmail.com>
> [...]
> Neither of those is the default library location for a standard install
> of R on a Mac.  The first one looks like it's the default value of
> R_LIBS_USER.  Are you specifying the environment variable R_LIBS?  By
> default, I think
>    Sys.getenv("R_LIBS")
> will give a blank.

I have the same:
> Sys.getenv("R_LIBS")
[1] ""

> Regarding the install from R.app (which I assume is what you mean by
> RGUI), there is a selection of 4 locations:
>   - At System Level (in R framework)
>   - At User Level
>   - In Other Location
>   - As defined by .libPaths()

Oh, of course I meant R.app, choosing at user level.
I now see what happens, and choosing by .libPaths() does install in the
correct directory. I was somewhat confused because I've always used "At
User Level" (certainly in the past 10 years or so on MacOS) and only
recently this distinction appeared.

Thanks very much, hope this is useful for anyone having the same confusion,

Adrian Dusa
University of Bucharest
Romanian Social Data Archive
Soseaua Panduri nr. 90-92
050663 Bucharest sector 5

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