Hi Alejandro,

Alejandro López wrote on 22/09/2010 13:03:
Hello all,

I am working with a matrix that includes characters with multiple states in each taxon. I want to know if R can work with this kind of data or how could I code them to perform a analysis with R.

Yes, R can work with this kind of data, and if you want to recode them, you can do it with R too. Depending on the analyses you want to do, there's a wide range of tools in several packages: ape, geiger, phangorn, ouch as mentioned by Aaron, and diversitree (not yet on CRAN). Some of them will require a phylogeny of your taxa, others not (eg, phangorn). My guess is that you are fairly new to R packages, so take your time to learn progressively. Also reading vignettes in packages or basic materials available on Internet might be a good idea.



Thank you in advance,

Alejandro López
Universidad de Murcia

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