Hi Scott,

  Which version of phylobase are you using and which architecture? I can
read the file on my machine.

  -- François

On Thu, Mar 24, 2011 at 12:39, Scott Chamberlain <myrmecocys...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hello,
> I can't get read.nexus (ape) or readNexus (phylobase) to read nexus files
> downloaded from treebase with URLs parsed from xml files. I can't manually
> edit each file as I want to read a lot of these files. Is there an easy fix?
> One of the files is copied below.
> Thanks!
> Scott Chamberlain
> Rice University, EEB Dept.
> [!This data set was downloaded from TreeBASE, a relational database of
> phylogenetic knowledge. TreeBASE has been supported by the NSF, Harvard
> University, Yale University, SDSC and UC Davis. Please do not remove this
> acknowledgment from the Nexus file.
> Downloaded on March 24, 2011; 16:32 GMT
> TreeBASE (cc) 1994-2008
> Study reference:
> Brown R., & Yang Z. 2010. Bayesian Dating of Shallow Phylogenies with a
> Relaxed Clock.
> Systematic Biology, 59(2): 119-131.
> TreeBASE Study URI:
> http://purl.org/phylo/treebase/phylows/study/TB2:S10165]
> TITLE M4787;
> Chalcides_coeruleopunctatus_E2806.20
> Chalcides_coeruleopunctatus_E2806.22
> Chalcides_manueli_E2506.1
> Chalcides_mionecton_mionecton_E2506.10
> Chalcides_mionecton_mionecton_E2506.12
> Chalcides_mionecton_trifasciatus_E2506.18
> Chalcides_polylepis_E14124.1
> Chalcides_polylepis_E14124.2
> Chalcides_polylepis_E2506.21
> Chalcides_sexlineatus_bistriatus_E2806.6
> Chalcides_sexlineatus_sexlineatus_E2806.8
> Chalcides_simonyi_E3007.2
> Chalcides_sphenopsiformis_E8121.26
> Chalcides_sphenopsiformis_E8121.27
> Chalcides_viridanus_E2806.10
> Chalcides_viridanus_E2806.14
> ;
> END;
> TITLE Tb10793;
> LINK TAXA = M4787;
> TREE Fig._3c = [&R]
> ((Chalcides_sphenopsiformis_E8121.26,Chalcides_sphenopsiformis_E8121.27),(((Chalcides_viridanus_E2806.10,Chalcides_viridanus_E2806.14),((Chalcides_sexlineatus_bistriatus_E2806.6,Chalcides_sexlineatus_sexlineatus_E2806.8),(Chalcides_coeruleopunctatus_E2806.22,Chalcides_coeruleopunctatus_E2806.20))),(Chalcides_simonyi_E3007.2,((Chalcides_mionecton_trifasciatus_E2506.18,(Chalcides_mionecton_mionecton_E2506.12,Chalcides_mionecton_mionecton_E2506.10)),(Chalcides_manueli_E2506.1,(Chalcides_polylepis_E14124.1,(Chalcides_polylepis_E14124.2,Chalcides_polylepis_E2506.21)))))));
> [! TreeBASE tree URI:
> http://purl.org/phylo/treebase/phylows/tree/TB2:Tr6136]
> END;
>        [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
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