Hi Daniel,

Daniel Rafael Miranda-Esquivel wrote on 20/10/2011 21:38:
Hello everyone,

I am running a majority consensus in a set of trees where some of them
are polytomic, something like this


using this command line

majrule.tree<-consensus(initial.trees, p=0.5001)

The trees are read and written back to a file with no problem, but the
consensus freezes and returns nothing,

The bug is inside the C code of prop.part(), so there's no obvious fix. This will be fixed in the next version of ape.

Is it a way to solve this?

In the above example, you can delete the 3rd tree and replace it by these 2:


since the consensus will collapse (E,F,G) but with real data this might not be practical.



All the best,


Emmanuel Paradis
IRD, Jakarta, Indonesia

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