Hi folks,

I generated a quick chronogram in TreeFinder (attached) for an exploratory 
analysis in R. The tree appeared fine in the Treefinder plot window, but the 
branch length notation does not appear to be compatible with R plotting for a 

The basal divergence time is 33.9 MYA (which appears in the Newick file), but 
FigTree is telling me the base is something around 22. Has anyone else 
encountered the problem with TreeFinder chronograms? Does anybody have a 
suggestion for how to rescale? I'd prefer to use this tree rather than simply 
make the original unrooted tree ultrametric.



John S. S. Denton
Ph.D. Candidate
Department of Ichthyology and Richard Gilder Graduate School
American Museum of Natural History

Attachment: chrono3.tre
Description: chrono3.tre

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