Dear all, 
I would like to estimate and to test the significance of the phylogenetic 
correlation between two binary traits with repeated measures for each species. 
Actually, one of the traits is the color conspicuousness of a patch and the 
repetition corresponds actually to the conspicuousness of the different body 
parts of a bird, so this is different from repeated measured as thought in an 
measurement error framework. I am mentioning this even if I am not sure how it 
is important. 
I am using MCMCglmm but despite many attempts with different priors, the model 
cannot converge and I end up with improper parameter estimates. In addition, 
Jarrod Hadfield does not recommend using MCMCglmm with bivariate binary mixed 
models (see here:
Is there an alternative to MCMCglmm for doing this in R? Does the 
phyl.pairedttest  from package phytool perform well with binary traits?
Thanks in advance for any insight.
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