
Le 10/10/2013 21:07, Juan Antonio Balbuena a écrit :
I need to handle in R 10M trees produced with the program evolver of
PAML. With a smaller number of trees one could create a multi-phylo
object with ape as

tree.m <- read.tree("filename.tre")

but this is impractical in this case because it takes all the RAM
memory. I've tried something like

con = file("evolver.out", open="r") # where evolver.out contains 10M
lin = readLines(con)
for (i in 1:length(lin)) {
+ tree <- read.tree(lin[i])

Replace the line above by:

tree <- read.tree(text = lin[i])

This may work if PAML has actually written one tree per line (ie, each tree ends with a '\n').



+ # my additional syntax mrca analysis etc. here
+ }

But it doesn't work:

Error in file(file, "r") : cannot open the connection
In addition: Warning messages:
1: closing unused connection 3 (evolver.out)
2: In file(file, "r") :
   cannot open file '((((S6: 0.33544, (S1: 0.02314, S10: 0.02314):
0.31230): 0.53388, S5: 0.86932): 0.04830, (S4: 0.51901, (S7: 0.05901,
S2: 0.05901): 0.46000): 0.39861): 0.08238, (S3: 0.30236, (S8: 0.13236,
S9: 0.13236): 0.17000): 0.69764);': No such file or directory

I would very much appreciate your help. Note that computing efficiency
is key here.

Thank you very much for your attention.

Juan A. Balbuena

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