At Fri, 2 Dec 2016 10:26:40 -0800, Matthew Butterick wrote:
> On Dec 1, 2016, 5:33 PM -0800, Matthew Flatt <>, wrote:
> > Assuming that "without lexical context" means "no scopes"[*], I don't
> > think there's a simpler way right now than walking through the syntax
> > object and making sure that each scope set is empty. And maybe there's
> > no easier way to check for an empty scope set than using
> > `bound-identifier=?` on an identifier with a scope set to test and an
> > identifier that definitely has an empty scope set.
> Specifically, what I was trying to do was write a contract for the return 
> value of `read-syntax` that's narrower than just `syntax?` (which is 
> insufficient, since `read-syntax` has to return a stx object without 
> bindings).
> One can make such a stx object with `(datum->syntax #f ···)` or 
> `(strip-context ···)`. So the mystery predicate here would return #t for stx 
> objects made either of those ways.

Just to make sure we're on the same page, this is the function that I
had in mind:

(define (empty-scopes-everywhere? e)
   [(syntax? e)
    (and (bound-identifier=? (datum->syntax #f 'x)
                             (datum->syntax e 'x))
         (empty-scopes-everywhere? (syntax-e e)))]
   [(pair? e) (and (empty-scopes-everywhere? (car e))
                   (empty-scopes-everywhere? (cdr e)))]
   [(vector? e) (for/and ([elem (in-vector e)])
                  (empty-scopes-everywhere? elem))]
   [(box? e) (empty-scopes-everywhere? (unbox e))]
   [(prefab-struct-key e)
    (empty-scopes-everywhere? (struct->vector e))]
   [else #t]))

> PS is the name of `strip-context` obsolete? Should it be `strip-scope-sets`?

Maybe so. In retrospect, I like how "lexical context" is less connected
to an implementation, but the the different layers of terminology don't
line up precisely.

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