2015-04-24 14:44 GMT+02:00 Jens Axel Søgaard <jensa...@soegaard.net>:

> The arrows disappear when I use the at-exp syntax:  @${b^2-4*a*x}.
> I am not sure why. Anyone?

I haven't figured it out yet, but it seems to have worked at some point.

I have found this:

(define-syntax ($ stx) (syntax-case stx () [(_ item ...) (let* ([from-at?
(syntax-property stx 'scribble)]) (if from-at? ; reintroduce the original
(discarded) indentation (with-syntax ([(item ...) (let loop ([items
(syntax->list #'(item ...))]) (if (null? items) '() (let* ([fst (car items)]
[prop (syntax-property fst 'scribble)] [rst (loop (cdr items))]) (cond
[(eq? prop 'indentation) rst] [(not (and (pair? prop) (eq? (car prop)
'newline))) (cons fst rst)] [else (cons (datum->syntax fst (cadr prop) fst)
rst)]))))]) #'($$ item ...)) #'($$ item ...)))]))

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