In my early time learning Racket, I wish someone had given me the
following advice:

For now? Just use `equal?`.

`equal?` will usually do the right thing, including for numbers,
strings, symbols, immutable lists, and so on. A type-specific function
like `=` or `string-=?` might be a bit faster. `eq?` might be a lot
faster. But `equal?` will still be correct.

`eq?` or `eqv?` might matter semantically if you're doing certain
things -- but you're not likely to be doing them in your early days
with Racket. So if you're getting side-tracked and confused, you can
probably set it aside for now, and just use `equal?`

That advice might make some of you cringe as simplistic, but it would
have been a helpful simplification for me. And I'm talking about
modern Racket, not Schemes generally.

Of course there are also things like `egal?` that are fun to learn
about, eventually.

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