>> (Otherwise the .rkt file must be parsed and expanded each/every time
>> you run. This includes test submodules, even though they won't be run.
>> In addition, expansion time can be significant with non-trivial
>> macros, including but not limited to Typed Racket.)
> Very interesting, this reduced the start up time significantly and my
> small script starts nearly instantly now. So for macro heavy code 'raco
> make' is the way to go. Can I use 'raco make' for everything or does it
> make debugging more difficult?

I haven't experienced it making debugging more difficult.

Do you mean the case where you update your .rkt but don't re-make, so
that the .zo is older? Racket will ignore the zo. As a result,
although you lose the startup speed-up, you don't get any confusion
from it running outdated code.

Also, Dr Racket has an option to make compiled zos for you
automatically (but racket-mode doesn't).

By the way, I mentioned `raco make` because it sounded like you were
working on individual script files.  People often run `raco make`
indirectly -- if you make your project a collection with `raco link`,
or make it a package, then `raco setup` will run `raco make` (among
other things).

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