If you want to have the contracts enforced in the test submodule, all you have 
to do is add (require (submod “..”)) to the submodule.

You don’t need to use define/contract, and you don’t need to use module* 
instead of module+.

You can just use

#lang racket
   ; convert a fahrenheit temperature to a celsius
  [fahrenheit->celsius (-> (and/c number? (>=/c -459.67)) number?)]))
(define (fahrenheit->celsius f)
 (/ (* 5 (- f 32)) 9))
(module+ test
  (require rackunit (submod "..")) ; the (submod "..") makes it enforce the 
  (check-equal? (fahrenheit->celsius -40) -40)
  (check-equal? (fahrenheit->celsius 32) 0)
  (check-equal? (fahrenheit->celsius 212) 100)
  ;; this checks that it raises a contract-error
  (check-exn exn:fail:contract?
             (λ () (fahrenheit->celsius -500))))

On May 22, 2015, at 7:58 AM, Atticus <attic...@posteo.org> wrote:

>> Yes, there is :
>> http://docs.racket-lang.org/style/Units_of_Code.html?q=define%2Fcontract#%28part._.Contracts%29
> Thank you for the link. The "How to Program Racket" Guide will be really
> helpful.
> But I must admit I'm a little confused. Looking at the *fahrenheit* example 
> in the
> Guide:
> ;;;;
> #lang racket
> (provide
>  (contract-out
>    ; convert a fahrenheit temperature to a celsius
>    [fahrenheit->celsius (-> number? number?)]))
> (define (fahrenheit->celsius f)
>  (/ (* 5 (- f 32)) 9))
> (module+ test
>  (require rackunit)
>  (check-equal? (fahrenheit->celsius -40) -40)
>  (check-equal? (fahrenheit->celsius 32) 0)
>  (check-equal? (fahrenheit->celsius 212) 100))
> ;;;; 
> This example implies that the contracts are enforced in the test
> submodule (contrary to Matthews example) but modifing the example shows
> that this is not the case:
> ;;;;
> (provide
>  (contract-out
>    ; convert a fahrenheit temperature to a celsius
>    [fahrenheit->celsius (-> integer? integer?)]))
> (define (fahrenheit->celsius f)
>  (/ (* 5 (- f 32)) 9))
> (module+ test
>  (require rackunit)
>  (check-equal? (fahrenheit->celsius -40) -40)
>  (check-equal? (fahrenheit->celsius 32) 0)
>  (check-equal? (fahrenheit->celsius 212.1) 100.05555555555556))
> ;;;;
> This is not very clear and confusing. If I would read the guide and I
> didn't know about Matthews example I would assume that the test in the
> modified example fails.
> My conclusion is:
> When using contracts with submodules use define/contract instead of
> (provide (contract-out ...))
>> black-box tests are always embedded in documentation so that
>> if the documentation does not show errors, then the system is reasonably
>> correct (for bugs that already found).
>> source code can keep elegant, and leave all the dirty things to scribble.
> This is a really nice idea. Thanks for sharing.
> WarGrey Gyoudmon Ju <juzhenli...@gmail.com> writes:
>> On Fri, May 22, 2015 at 5:41 PM, Atticus <attic...@posteo.org> wrote:
>>> Imho it would be nice if there was a small hint in the documentation
>>> about that case, perhaps there is and I didn't see it?
>> Yes, there is :
>> http://docs.racket-lang.org/style/Units_of_Code.html?q=define%2Fcontract#%28part._.Contracts%29
>> In practice, I design tests in a system level abstraction.
>> black-box tests are always embedded in documentation so that
>> if the documentation does not show errors, then the system is reasonably
>> correct (for bugs that already found).
>> source code can keep elegant, and leave all the dirty things to scribble.
>> I almost do not write white-box tests since Racket and Typed Racket itself
>> has already formal enough,
>> moreover these tests or verifications can also be moved to documentation if
>> needed.
> -- 
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